Sims Honda Auction Fee Testimonial

Bobby Maynard
Sims Honda, Burlington Washington

Bobby Maynard, General Manager of Sims Honda and Northwest Honda explains how he uses DealersLink's Dealer-To-Dealer marketplace to locate clean, retail-ready used vehicles directly from other dealers saving his dealrship thousands of dollars a month in auction fees.

DealersLink Member for over five years.

There's no $300 buy fee; there's no $200 to run it through the shop. You know that the cars you're getting are front-line-ready and detailed, and it saves you money.

Bobby Maynard, Sims Honda

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Huge Savings

Sims Honda does 30 to 40 transactions on the DealersLink Marketplace every month, which saves the dealership $126,000 - $168,000 a year in auction fees.

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